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Cholesterol Testing - India Research

With the recent changes in the lifestyles of India’s working population and the growing risk of heart attacks, cholesterol testing has assumed increased importance in recent years. In fact, physicians in developed countries recommend cholesterol tests once every five years for every person aged 20... View more
With the recent changes in the lifestyles of India’s working population and the growing risk of heart attacks, cholesterol testing has assumed increased importance in recent years. In fact, physicians in developed countries recommend cholesterol tests once every five years for every person aged 20 years or more. Such tests indicate the level of cholesterol in a blood sample taken from a patient that, in turn, helps in the diagnosis of the patient’s risk for CAD or coronary artery disease. The blood sample is taken after the patient fasts for a specified period of 12 hours, as recommended by the doctor. Such tests are also conducted using a home cholesterol-monitoring kit that determines the patient’s lipoprotein profile. Hide this

Cholesterol Testing - All India Research

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