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Patents - India Research

Patents comprise a very important category of intellectual property. A patent granted by a government involves exclusive rights that are given to the inventor of a particular product/service for a limited period of time, once the invention is publicly disclosed. The entire process of granting patent... View more
Patents comprise a very important category of intellectual property. A patent granted by a government involves exclusive rights that are given to the inventor of a particular product/service for a limited period of time, once the invention is publicly disclosed. The entire process of granting patents and the extent of rights that are bestowed varies widely from one country to the other. A typical patent application includes a number of claims which actually define the particular invention. These patent claims should match up to certain requirements for patentability. Novelty and non-obviousness are instances of some patentability requirements. Once a patent is granted, it means that others cannot make, use, sell or distribute the particular invention that is patented, without proper permission. Patents are an integral aspect of the Indian pharmaceutical industry. The country has a thriving generic drugs market, which leads to high sales of drugs that are basically duplicates of branded ones. At the same time, India’s recently formulated patent laws are already being challenged by foreign drug manufacturers. Hide this

Patents - All India Research

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